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TITAN 3 SEAT/BED MID-MOUNT - M1 Pull Test (6 tons force)

TITAN BED fully working after M1 Pull Test

TITAN BED - M1 Pull Test to 6 tons of pull force

We work with structural steel engineers to calculate the best possible fixing system for each van type. Ensuring that the spread load area, the shape of fixing plates and physical fixing maximises the anchorage into your van floor. The quality of your van floor is obviously paramount.



“In the event of an accident, while carrying passengers on untested seats with seat belts. Your Insurance will be void.” This means you are personally liable for all costs and personal injury!

M1 Pull Tested - fully compliant with seat belt anchorage legislation - certificates supplied improving your resale value.

Titan Beds are designed to provide the maximum comfort and space whilst ensuring your safety is paramount.
Safety for occupants on a rock and roll bed consists of three main areas:


1). The quality and strength of the rock & roll bed 2). The seat belt and seat belt anchorage 3). Fixing correctly to the van floor.

We have gone to great lengths to ensure our bed is fabricated using the strongest joints and fully welded to maximise strength, not to mention the highest quality machined slide rails, seat locks and fasteners available. This is why we successfully passed the M1 pull test standard first time and the bed is still in full working order.

As part of the M1 pull test, seat belt anchorage is measured and inspected to critical dimensions which we are fully compliant. Our seat belts are of commercial quality not the lighter car standard. There are endless reported incidents of incorrectly fitted beds using incorrect fixings resulting from lack of understanding of the forces involved in an accident and best fitting practices.




Indeed watch the video of the Titan bed test which was subjected to 6 tons of pull force. The video shows the top of the back rest moving forwards during the force but with no apparent deformation of the frame work. Watch the video again and you will see that the force is transferred into the large beams that the bed is bolted down to and it is these beams actually flexing. Now imagine that this is your van floor!

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